Four Common Causes Of Plumbing Leaks

Your home's plumbing is actually a pretty complicated system. It is comprised of a network of pipes that all have different functions. Fresh water comes into the home from the municipal water supply or a well and is distributed to your sinks, tubs, toilets, and appliances, like the washing machine, dishwasher, and hot water heater. Waste water is carried away and down the drain to the city sewer or the septic system. Anywhere within this system, a leak can develop, which can potentially cause major problems. Here's is a look at the four most common causes for plumbing leaks.

Your Pipes Are Old

Nothing last forever, and that includes your pipes. Additionally, the infrastructure in many cities, especially on the east coast, is quite advanced in age. If your home was built over 30-40 years ago and the plumbing hasn't been upgraded, your pipes are likely showing signs of corrosion. If you have hard water, this will corrode copper pipes. Hard water will also cause buildup in your pipes, which can play a role in clogged drains as the drain narrows. A drain cleaning service will be able to help.

Your Water Pressure Is Too High

Sure, taking a shower under a forcefully pulsating shower head feels great, but all that water pressure can cause a leak, especially in a system that is already weak. While your pipes won't burst most of the time from excess pressure, they can still leak somewhere in the line.

Your Seals Are Bad

Your pipes aren't made up of just a single pipe. They are a series of pipes and elbows and other connectors. Wherever two pipes meet, they often have a rubber seal or a seal made from plumber's putty. These substances will degrade over time, and eventually, the joint is going to leak.

You Have A Clog Somewhere

Most of the time, a homeowner is aware of the fact he or she has a clogged drain. For example, the kitchen sink is backed up and won't drain. But sometimes, drains that are used as often as the kitchen sink will become clogged and it won't become immediately obvious until the clog is really bad. Take your bathtub. The tub may appear to be draining fine because it's not overflowing, and you aren't really paying attention to it. Suddenly, it doesn't want to seem to drain at all, so you pour drain cleaner down it. Unfortunately, drain cleaner sitting in your pipes is more likely to eat through your pipes than the hair clogging it, resulting in a leak or worse.
