How To Maintain Your Radiant Heating System
Do you have a radiant heat system installed in your home? If so, you may be completely unaware of how you need to maintain this system. Here are some tips that you can follow to ensure that the system will last a long time.
Have Annual Inspections Performed
One of the best things that you can do is have your radiant heating system annually inspected by an HVAC specialist. There are many parts that need to be in great condition to ensure that the heating system is working efficiently, and you can get on top of replacing parts prematurely when they are on their last legs. This can help avoid problems where the heating system breaks down unexpectedly.
Run The System Periodically During Warmer Months
It's important that you do not let the heating system remain stagnant during the months when it is not being used. Consider running the system briefly every couple of months just to get the parts moving and the hot water flowing. Of course, this applies more to water-powered radiant heat systems, since electric heat systems have fewer moving parts that need to be run to keep them in good condition.
Check The System Pressure Monthly
It's important that you check the water pressure of the system each month to ensure that it is holding pressure. The specific PSI of the system really depends on what is required by your specific equipment. Checking the PSI regularly will help you get on top of problems early where the system is losing pressure so that it can be repaired.
Make Note Of Any Noise
The boiler of a radiant heat system is fairly quiet. Unfortunately, many noises tend to start quiet and become much bigger ones, which is an indication that something is wrong. When performing maintenance on your heating system, note the sound from the last time you maintained it and try to identify if the sounds you hear are getting louder. You shouldn't be hearing air noises, popping, banging, or anything of that nature. However, the fan is the only part of the system that should make noise, as it pushes fumes out of your home.
Check The Ignition Process
You'll want to check the ignition process when the boiler turns on, which can be done by simply observing it. There should be no back pressure created during the process, as well as rumblings or whistling sounds. These are signs that you are in need of professional repair.
For more information regarding heating maintenance, contact a local professional.